Transcendental Visual Turnaround Coaching BEYOND Duality & Time⌛️💫

How do you solve unsolvable strategic problems? Quite simply, Einstein would say: I approach the question in a completely different way because my nondual visual perception encompasses a much broader reality space.

Transcendental Visual Turnaround Coaching BEYOND Duality & Time⌛️💫
It was precisely this VISUAL TALENT, the access to this potential of our connected SELF, that enabled me to make my contribution to the world after my 11th birthday: 👉 YouTube Link
"My VISUAL life experience BEYOND DUAL SEPARATION in the HERE & NOW is a decisive advantage in my coaching. With the inspiration of my visual talent we will find the solution to your "supposedly“ unsolvable strategic challenge."
Hans, ☀Sevilla💃 2025

📞: +34 620611130 daily from 1.30 p.m. to 2 p.m. CET incl. Saturday & Sunday

From time to time, even your extraordinary turnaround skills hit a wall. Why? 

  • Because the REALITY you want to reshape only "supposedly" has 3 dimensions (>11 Dimensionen), 
  • you are only "supposedly" separated from it (Uncertainty principle)
  • and also because TIME only "supposedly" runs on a linear timeline from your birth to your death (Theory of relativity).

How do you solve unsolvable strategic problems? "As simple as possible, but not simpler", Einstein would say. I approach the question in a completely different way because my perception encompasses a much broader reality space. I often tell my coaches that the reality they perceive dual-causally is probably less than 5% of my nondual-visual perception. This extremely multifaceted visual talent does not only have advantages, but it has often enabled me to solve such completely hopeless problems quite easily in my life:

My SELF experiences life visually in the here & now and has been thinking in a CONNECTING way beyond the "supposedly" separating duality since my childhood - that is also the reason why I am not afraid of death: Link

- that is my talent and also my greatest passion.

My true SELF is a place connected to everything, which I always perceive at the level of my solar plexus. From this point, I also view the changeable facets of your complex strategic challenges from a visual meta-perspective - just as the samurai Miyamoto Musashi describes the success factor of his "meta-perspective" in his classic guide to strategic action "THE BOOK OF THE FIVE RINGS".


We only need ONE HOUR of your very precious lifetime:

  • In the first 30 minutes that we spend online via Zoom, the first solution-orientated facets are interactively designed.
  • Since my childhood I have received inspiring VISUAL SOLUTIONS for highly complex challenges from my "QUANTUM BODY", especially overnight these images continue to develop (Quantum Body: The New Science of Living a Longer, Healthier, More Vital Life (Hardcover) | Harvard Book Store). My nondual visual talent finds the solution to your dual-causally unsolvable challenge through an uninterrupted artistic "HYPERFOCUS" process. This creative process is, as with artists, purely SEQUENTIAL: just as a painter can only cover a new blank canvas with colour once he has completed his current work, so my creative-connected SELF in the background can only devote itself exclusively to ONE visual solution process at a time.
  • One to two days later, we adapt this visual solution to your strategic design space in our final 30-minute interactive process via Zoom.
My quite PROVOCATIVE VISUAL COACHING sessions BEYOND duality and time are like a ZEN KOAN for your dual-causal, very limited thinking mind 🤯 👉 😇💫

Interested? 📲: +34 620611130 daily including Saturday & Sunday 13.30-14.00 CET or spontaneously every Friday 13.30-14.00 via Zoom without prior notice:  Zoom Meeting ID: 286 632 4328, Passcode: Sevilla

IMPORTANT‼️: My visual talent for strategic insights beyond duality and time is exclusively at the service of strategic projects...:
- which mainly require direct interaction in the here and now (Zoom, FaceTime or presence on site), as this is the optimal playground for my creative visual gift 👉Link
- that create new future-orientated jobs. Why? Only under a secure "family income roof" can children grow up safely and play largely carefree in the playground - in my own childhood, this was the most important foundation stone for my fulfilled life🤸‍♂️💫
Michael Bachmann, Partner Witena Executive Search & Leadership Advisory, Witena AG, CH-Zürich 2019
Pricing & Contact
"Hans, you should make your pricing success-dependent: Thanks to your tip to renegotiate ALL critical sales prices for OEMs with high power asymmetry during our last turnaround coaching, I saved CHF 1.5 million at my critical SMEs (automotive suppliers) in just 2 months."
Andreas Mitterdorfer, then CEO of Swiss Polygena Holding, my turnaround coaching at Nozag, ROSTA, JESA, PWB & Compounds, 12/2013-9/2015

My hourly rate as your VISUAL Online Coach is 250€/h depending solely on your complete customer satisfaction (100%-0%)‼️

I only charge you 2 working hours for the visual solution process described above, although my visual talent is dedicated to your task non-stop in an artistic-creative hyperfocus process in the background between our Zoom sessions.

You can always reach me by phone or FACETIME: 📲 +34 620 611 130 DAILY 13.30-14.00 CET incl. weekends. As a combination of auditory and visual input is ideal for my special gift of VISUAL THINKING(👉Link), I also offer a VISUAL CONTACT TIME via Zoom every Friday: You can meet me visually at any time during this dispositive Zoom time without an appointment: Every Friday from 13:30-14:00 CET, Zoom Meeting ID: 286 632 4328, Passcode: Sevilla

LinkedIn: Hansjörg Stephan

Related links
You would like to SUPPORT my free VISUAL COACHING inspirations once: 👉 Donation link
  • DONATIONS support in particular my career & life strategy coaching for young people with naturally very limited financial resources - in recent years I have coached over 350 such life strategies 👉 Link
  • Why donate? My visual gift is a completely automatic process beyond dual thinking. This means that the visual solution flows into me without my own conscious intervention - it is not "work" for me, I only act as a medium between the inexhaustible potential of the quantum field (see Harvard bestseller on this: 👉 Link) and the manifestation in the very limited section of reality that we can perceive with our rudimentary 5 human senses: 👉 Link