Suffering arises from opportunistic actions BEYOND the “Design of Life“🤸‍♂️💫

Achieving excessive wealth & lasting, complete life satisfaction would go against all the wisdom teachings of the last 3500 years since the Vedas: your EGO wants to run after the "Business Buddhas", your TRUE SELF points to "The Gateless Gate" => Which PATH do you choose❓

Suffering arises from opportunistic actions BEYOND the “Design of Life“🤸‍♂️💫
VISUAL Inspiration BEYOND Duality for the "Design of Life" by Azeros Heroc for Vogue📸👉Business Buddhas🤯The Gateless Gate🤸Stop Look Go💫
The secret of my own deeply fulfilling “Life BEYOND Duality & Time“ is not a narrow one-way street from birth to death. Gregory Bateson is right, life is a divine circle. On your path from I to SELF, a boundless "vertical reality" opens up: the whole life is contained in a cup of tea, they say in Japan🍵💫
The secret of my own deeply fulfilling life in my own words
My SELF-coaching BEYOND time in the last 10 years after my darkest year in 2015
Your true SELF within you is always ready to convince you of this timeless truth, say the 1600 year old Yoga Sutras by Patanjali, about which I wrote my final thesis as a yoga teacher 7 years ago

Do you need rational reasons? You can hear the cognitive-causal justification for this from Nobel Prize winner Henri Bergson in chapter 3 ”The Organization of Conscious States“ of this audiobook (Audible extract attached):

Henri Bergson on our true, boundless SELF beyond our narrow EGO‼️

Life puts us to the test again and again as to whether we want to make EGO-opportunistic decisions. At the very end of our lives, when time slows down and finally stops (the EGO part of our I and our body die), we realise - in direct contact with our remaining immortal SELF part of our I - that all this opportunism was wrong and kept us trapped in suffering. I experienced this interaction between my mortal ME »Hansjörg« & my immortal SELF »Hans« for the first time at the age of 11, when life "seemed to be coming to an end" for Hansjörg, who had been disabled all his life 🙏:


Suffering arises from your mortal EGO🤯 acting against your immortal SELF😇

Start NOW‼️ to decide from your true, connected SELF:…

...sometimes you will lose a lot of money against opportunists, money for which these opportunists are immediately prepared to skilfully circumvent the ten commandments temporarily to their advantage or, if necessary, to ignore them, even though these essential commandments of human coexistence have been tried and tested for more than 2000 years...

...sometimes people will try to exploit the weaknesses of your humane good nature. The core challenge is simply that the EGO doesn't really care about "us"…

…and you will often miss such an unconditional supporter😇 at your side, because there are hardly any people like that...

...but if you continue to look within despite all this resistance, unconditionally trust your heart paired with your divine intuition and speak from this innermost voice that is connected to the nondual flow of the Tao, the Music of Life...

...then one day you will recognise beyond doubt when you look into your reflection, compared to looking into the dull eyes, the gateway to the soul, of lifelong opportunists, that…

…the mortal dual-causal-opportunistic EGO cannot outwit the immortal non-dual SELF, firmly embedded in the timeless "Design of Life" ♥️🙏

🗣️Spoken orally from my SELF in the Here&Now and then kindly optimised and converted into written words by the AI tool Deepl🙏

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