Real success in life BEYOND deliberate practice and time commitment👨💻💫

"The day came when the risk of remaining trapped in a flower bud for a lifetime became more painful than the risk of blossoming.“
Anaïs Nin
Many of my coachees hold on to the widespread belief that they simply have to make enough effort - deliberate practice and time commitment - to be successful in their career. Perhaps you are also travelling this tough, combative path through life and are often annoyed that you are constantly being overtaken left and right by other people with far less effort and time commitment...
What to do? Quite simply:
Forget the misconception that success is largely dependent on effort!
In 2014, Princeton University conducted a large-scale study to find out what percentage of success in business (professions), teaching (education), sports, music and games (e.g. chess) depends on effort, i.e. deliberate practice. The result:
👉In business, less than 1 per cent of success depends on effort‼️

After this very sobering scientific finding, you are naturally asking yourself:
"What should I do now?“
The answer is actually quite simple and can be found at the end of this Stanford Commencement Speech by Steve Jobs:
Life is about turning your gaze from the tempting external stimuli to yourself, continuously taking some power away from your supposedly big “I“ (EGO) on the path to your connected SELF, finding your own gifts and talents and reshaping your life as a contribution based on these individual capabilities and healthy SELF-empowerment: When you have found your "sweet spot" like Steve Jobs, life suddenly becomes very easy, you are carried as if by the FLOW of your own potential: 👉Here you find more on FLOW
Now you would naturally ask me how great the potential of your SELF is?
The answer can be found in a magical book! Steve Jobs and I, we love this book - Steve Jobs loved this book so much that he reread it every year and gave it to every single mourner at his funeral ceremony:
...the book was written by this divine man, Paramahansa Yogananda, whose great wisdom once cast a magical spell over America:

... "and how great is my true potential now, Hans, when I move from my familiar I to this uncertain SELF?" you ask now: 👉Who am I?
There is a passage in this book that was to change Steve Job's life forever and I often wonder why so few people "still" really set out..
…from ME to SELF
…bearing in mind the very wise sentence that the eskimo shaman Angaangaq gave me during an unforgettable day together in Lausanne in 2010:
"If you feel you have to go, then go - to the end!
If you turn round, you'll fall."
"Is my success then guaranteed?" you may ask yourself. That depends on how you define success for yourself on your journey through life. What is certain is that your criteria for success will constantly change on your journey from me to yourself. Life is very fair and deeply wise: We come into the world with nothing but our body and leave this world with even less: we leave it with an earthly garment that no longer works. In between lies either a "me -> goal" orientation, which often causes us to suffer, or a mindful focus on the here and now of our journey, on the flow of life (Tao). In the latter, experience has shown that the attachment to stress, problems and worries fades more and more into the background, everything becomes freer and easier, decisions finally arise spontaneously from within ourselves, we become different on purpose, our life feels more and more fulfilling and financial success becomes an unnecessary by-product of our passion for life, as you can see with the passionate but "poor“ Vincent Van Gogh or the passionate and coincidentally rich Steve Jobs:
👉My monthly online seminar in German „From I to SELF - Strategic inspirations BEYOND stress, problems and worries“, Open Mind Academy, Switzerland
Do you have a challenging question on this topic❓❓❓
I love challenging questions and answer ALL your questions every month VISUALLY via Zoom on the 17th here or on the 27th here.
Related links
- My visual strategic talent BEYOND the duality of your strategic thinking
- Genuine coaching that takes you BEYOND your supposedly big “I“
- Development of a free and agile mind BEYOND painful attachments to problems and worries
- SELF-Assessment BEYOND the separating duality of your thoughts
- The source of creativity BEYOND our mind
- Step-by-step coaching of "The Secret of the Golden Flower" far BEYOND meditative insights🪷🧎
Get to know our SELF for free

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- DONATIONS support in particular my career & life strategy coaching for young people with naturally very limited financial resources - in recent years I have coached over 350 such life strategies 👉 Link
- Why donate? My visual gift is a completely automatic process beyond dual thinking. This means that the visual solution flows into me without my own conscious intervention - it is not "work" for me, I only act as a medium between the inexhaustible potential of the quantum field (see Harvard bestseller on this: 👉 Link) and the manifestation in the very limited section of reality that we can perceive with our rudimentary 5 human senses: 👉 Link