MySELF or MyEGO? Our true SELF lies BEYOND the external reflection of our EGO🤯🪞…

MySELF? SELFish? SELF-confident? The more accurate words would be MyEGO, EGOish and EGO-confident. Why?

MySELF or MyEGO? Our true SELF lies BEYOND the external reflection of our EGO🤯🪞…
VISUAL Inspiration BEYOND Duality& Time for "MySELF or MyEGO?" by Magnum Photos
MySELF? SELFish? SELF-confident?…

......the more accurate words would be MyEGO, EGOish and EGO-confident. Why? Listen to the Audible book by Henry Bergson, who, like Albert Einstein and like me, felt neither duality nor time and thus had easier access to his true self beyond duality and time. Just like our body, our ego is bound to duality and time and is therefore mortal. Our true self is beyond duality (Bergson speaks of space) and also beyond time and therefore immortal😇💫


Henri Bergson on our habit of choosing our colourless EGO-ghost instead of our true SELF

🗣️Spoken orally from my SELF in the Here&Now and then kindly optimised and converted into written words by the AI tool Deepl🙏

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