In the global hope for a nondual-connecting future BEYOND the dual-dividing past of hate🤝💫

In the global hope for a nondual-connecting future BEYOND the dual-dividing past of hate🤝💫
Kamala first offered her beautiful hand to her “supposed“ opponent before the presidential debate🤝💫

"In her closing speech, she promised the audience that she would be a president for all Americans. Even as a prosecutor, she said, she only had one client: "the people". As a prosecutor, she said, she never asked a victim or witness whether they were Republican or Democrat. "I just asked them, 'Are they okay?" That's how she wants to be as president: "Someone who cares about you and doesn't think about herself first." She wants to focus on working together to find long-term solutions. At the start of the debate, she said, "We don't want a leader who is constantly trying to get Americans to point fingers.»“ (Source: NZZ)

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