Daily joie de vivre & simple conflict resolution BEYOND emails, WhatsApp,...🤯💫
Nowadays, people sit lonely in their ego-dug dark holes and bombard each other with written words… BUT the joy of life lies in personal encounters in the HERE & NOW! => Since I switched nearly 100% to personal encounters in the Here & Now, everything is perfect!

Nowadays, people sit lonely in their ego-dug dark holes and bombard each other with written words…
...BUT the joy of life lies in personal encounters in the HERE & NOW! That's why the Andalusians in my neighbourhood are such happy people 👉 Link. Thanks to our divine technology, these personal encounters can be realised globally at any time via FaceTime or Zoom🙏
Since I switched nearly 100% to personal encounters in the Here & Now, everything is perfect - my German-Andalusian nature has never really liked receiving written words via email, WhatsApp, etc...
I use the following AI-automated standard response for the annoying flood of emails. The result? The right, appreciative and life-affirming people enter into a personal visual-auditory dialogue with me in the Here & Now - where fulfilled life REALLY happens 100% of the time, beyond the painful, awkward actions of our separate I (EGO).

For me, this is an ingenious automatic filtering process for valuable human interactions that I can highly recommend:
My AI-automated standard response for the annoying flood of emails
You can always reach me by FaceTime or 📞 & switch to Zoom: +34 620 611 130 DAILY 13.30-14.00 CET incl. weekends. As a combination of auditory and visual input is ideal for my special gift of VISUAL THINKING(👉Link), I also offer a VISUAL CONTACT TIME via Zoom every Friday: You can meet me visually at any time during this dispositive Zoom time without an appointment: Every Friday from 13:30-14:00 CET. I very much look forward to meeting & inspiring you here: Zoom Meeting ID: 286 632 4328, Passcode: Sevilla
My part-time assistant Asunción Esperanza organises my VISUAL Online Coaching Sessions via Zoom in English, German, Spanish and French, which can be booked at any time between 5.00 a.m. CET (Asia) and 10.00 p.m. CET (USA) - globally client-centred and 100% value-added oriented without any risk, as my fee as your VISUAL Strategy Coach depends solely on your complete client satisfaction.
👉 Link Time Difference Calculator
Thank you🍀
💃Asunción Esperanza☀️
International Coordination Assistant to Hansjörg Stephan
‼️👉VISUAL Turnaround Coaching BEYOND Duality & Time: https://www.stephan-strategy.com/visual-turnaround-coaching-beyond-duality-and-time
‼️👉 Monthly dates "From ME to SELF - Strategic inspiration beyond stress, problems & worries" at the Swiss Open Mind Academy: https://www.open-mind-academy.ch/han
Hansjörg Stephan-Strategy.com
Industrial Engineer (KIT) & Strategy Business Coach (MBS)
…for your „seemingly“ unsolvable strategic challenges
👉VISUAL Coaching through our SELF:
👉VISUAL Strategy & Turnaround Executive Coaching:
👉VISUAL Career & Life Strategy Coaching:
👉VISUAL Private Turnaround Coaching: https://www.stephan-strategy.com/visual-challenging-business-and-life-situation-coaching/
👉VISUAL Portrait Photography by Hans: https://www.stephan-strategy.com/visual-portrait-photography/
👉Preferred Contact:
FaceTime or 📞 & switch to Zoom: +34 620 611 130 daily from 13.30-14.00 CET incl. Saturday & Sunday
Related links
- My monthly online seminar "From ego to SELF - Strategic inspirations BEYOND stress, problems and worries", Open Mind Academy, Switzerland
- My visual strategic talent BEYOND the duality of your strategic thinking
- Genuine coaching that takes you BEYOND your supposedly big “I“
- Development of a free and agile mind BEYOND painful attachments to problems and worries
- SELF-Assessment BEYOND the separating duality of your thoughts
- The source of creativity BEYOND our mind
- Step-by-step coaching of "The Secret of the Golden Flower" far BEYOND meditative insights🪷🧎
Get to know our SELF for free

You would like to SUPPORT my free VISUAL COACHING inspirations once: 👉 Donation link
- DONATIONS support in particular my career & life strategy coaching for young people with naturally very limited financial resources - in recent years I have coached over 350 such life strategies 👉 Link
- Why donate? My visual gift is a completely automatic process beyond dual thinking. This means that the visual solution flows into me without my own conscious intervention - it is not "work" for me, I only act as a medium between the inexhaustible potential of the quantum field (see Harvard bestseller on this: 👉 Link) and the manifestation in the very limited section of reality that we can perceive with our rudimentary 5 human senses: 👉 Link