Current topics in my global VISUAL COACHING one-to-one sessions BEYOND duality and time: 10-12/2024🤷‍♀️💫

Below you will find questions that suddenly came up in my international one-on-one online coaching sessions (10-12/2024) and whose solution my VISUAL TALENT for strategic insight BEYOND duality & time SAW INTUITIVELY as inspiration with regard to the respective complex life situation of my coachee:

Current topics in my global VISUAL COACHING one-to-one sessions BEYOND duality and time: 10-12/2024🤷‍♀️💫
My global VISUAL COACHING one-to-one sessions BEYOND duality and time🤷‍♀️💫
Below you will find Questions that suddenly came up in my international one-on-one online coaching sessions and whose Solution my Visual Talent for strategic insights BEYOND Duality & Time saw as inspiration with regard to the respective complex life situation of my coachee:
  • 🤯⛈️ -> 😇:
  • 23.12.24 Career Strategy Coaching for a Spanish guitarist: Do you really believe that your - in my eyes unique - talent is not enough to make you internationally known via YouTube? This then completely unknown group made it to 21 million clicks ONLY via YouTube with this cover version and a simple video 👉Testimonial link to her story in German:
  • 20.12.24 Strategy Executive Coaching: How far do these two quotes go BEYOND your previous strategic actions?:
    “There is nothing outside of yourself that can ever enable you to get better, stronger, richer, quicker, or smarter. Everything is within. Everything exists. Seek nothing outside of yourself.”
    “Think lightly of yourself and deeply of the world.”
    ― Miyamoto Musashi, The Book of Five Rings 👉Link
  • 19.12.24 Strategy Executive Coaching: According to your intuitive judgement, to what extent is the inner balance of this visual energy flow BEYOND the balance of your company and the management of your own life?:
  • 17.12.24 Strategy Executive Coaching: Maybe you don't need to do any market research because your customers will only find out from you that they need this groundbreaking product - just like they did with the first iPhone? One question remains: Do you have the courage to go the long way to the finish line with this innovative product concept without turning round - if you turn round, you run the risk of falling?
  • 7.12.2024 Private Turnaround Coaching: Could it be that "the ego part of your I" is compensating for your inner restlessness with external things instead of accepting this inner voice as a valuable, purposeful signal from your self BEYOND the ego? What old experiences play a role in your decision to ignore this inner voice? Do you want to allow this?
  • 5.12.2024 Private Turnaround Coaching - your true self beyond the "attached to external things" ego-part of you: Imagine your entire life's work of the last 25 years in this company is destroyed after you leave it and there is nothing you can do about it. How would this scenario affect your life satisfaction?
  • 27.11.2024 Private Turnaround Coaching: Are your life circumstances really that bad for your “I“? Beyond the life circumstances you see in the touching Netflix series "From Scratch"? Who is this “I” that makes this judgement?:
  • 17.11.2024 Career Strategy Coaching: Isn't your illness also a wonderful sign / support for realising the need for change? Is your future path really BEYOND your present life situation? 👉1) Stop 2) Look 3) Go:
  • 6.11.2024 Private Turnaround Coaching: Could it be that your mental instability at critical moments during tennis tournaments is related to your father's "conditional love BEYOND real unconditional love"?
  • 28.10.2024 Career Strategy Coaching: How do you judge the separate ego-part and the connected self-part of your I in relation to the following hypothetical statements: 1) "You must not want to achieve anything, whatever it may be" and 2) "You must not reject anything, whatever it may be"? 👉Link
  • 22.10.2024 Career Strategy Coaching: How far is the following way of living BEYOND your own life: "God, give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference"?
  • 11.10.24 Private Turnaround Coaching: Are you REALLY ready to change something BEYOND your current unhappy circumstances in the sense of: "Love it, change it or leave it - but don't complain!"?:
  • 2. 10. 24 Career Strategy Coaching: How do you assess your life with regard to the following statement: "The conscious experience of the vertical facets of reality (perception by the nondually connected SELF-part of your I during the FLOW-state) BEYOND the individual section of a horizontally "flat" illusory reality (perception by the fictitious ego-part of your I, which you experience as separate) constitutes a fulfilled and true life."? 👉Inspiring Netflix series on this statement: