Coaching BEYOND suffering - from the separate I/ego to the connected self: Step-by-step coaching of the divine method "The Secret of the Golden Flower"📖🪷💫

In contrast to conventional meditation techniques, you can practise this SELF-energising method while lying down🛌💫. It is possible from my own experience to make yourself highly independent of external life circumstances and the actions of other people within 3-12 months.

Coaching BEYOND suffering - from the separate I/ego to the connected self: Step-by-step coaching of the divine method "The Secret of the Golden Flower"📖🪷💫
REAL INSIGHT flows into OUR CONNECTED SELF BEYOND our (5) 8 rudimentary senses: 1) touch, 2) taste, 3) smell, 4) sight, 5) hearing, 6) balance, 7) thought, 8) memory - we have known this divine insight for 1200 years, as you can hear in this Audible Book here. This divine method has been an indispensable daily part of my wonderful life since 1989🪷💫
An energising meditation method in a lying position that has been successful for 1200 years

According to the publishers of the translated German first edition of 1929, Richard Wilhelm & C.G. Jung, "The Secret of the Golden Flower" is a completely assured meditation method. This 1200 year old, profoundly wise SELF-discovery and SELF-anchoring method from the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD.) was first translated into German in 1929 by Richard Wilhem & C.G. Jung under the name "Das Geheimnis der Goldenen Blüte". Only 2 years later, in 1931, "The Secret of the Golden Flower" was published in English. My SELF first came into contact with this method when I came across the Spanish edition of "El Secreto de la Flor del Oro" during my year of study in Sevilla (Andalusia, Spain). Today, this method is an irreplaceable part of my BEING and always accompanies the daily experience of my wonderful life in the background. How is this possible?

In contrast to conventional meditation techniques, you can practise this method lying down 🛌💫 - with increasing practice after 3-12 months, this meditative state even remains permanently in the background of your everyday life.

It is therefore particularly suitable for Westerners who find conventional sitting meditation with crossed legs difficult. It is best for advanced practitioners to combine this circular breathing & essence light contemplation method with QiGong (focus: balance of body & mind) and effective mindfulness techniques (focus: own truthfulness & presence). It is possible from my own experience to…

Make yourself highly independent of external circumstances and the actions of other people within 3-12 months.

This backward-flowing method of meditative breathing and inner light energy circulation has an additional effect that occurs relatively quickly and impresses my coachees greatly: their own body feels increasingly powerful and energised, as the valuable prana energy no longer flows outwards, but charges the body via the energy circulation like a Duracell battery (👉 Link). Applied over the long term, this leads to a "rejuvenation" of the body, as the 1200-year-old text says. It is precisely this effect that I have been able to experience on my own body over the last ten years through self-coaching with this method: On the left you see me in 2015 after two of my biggest blows of fate: My relationship fell apart and I could no longer live with my beloved daughter (8 at the time). At the same time, my beloved father fell terminally ill with pancreatic cancer and died within a few months after I was allowed to accompany him as he died in the palliative care unit. On the right you see me 4 years later (2019) and 8 years later (2023) - the effect of my "energetic self-coaching against time" thanks to the daily application and perfect penetration of the divine-regenerating method "The Secret of the Golden Flower". It is precisely from this incredible self-awareness that I teach my coachees this method in parallel with the strategic improvement of their sometimes unbearable life circumstances.

Rejuvenate your own body through daily self-coaching with the "Secret of the Golden Flower" method 🙏
👉 Do you have a question about this divine method?
EVERY Friday I will answer your question via Zoom in English, German, Spanish or French: During this scheduled VISUAL CONTACT TIME via Zoom you can meet me visually at any time without an appointment: EVERY Friday from 13:30-14:00 CET. I am very much looking forward to meeting & inspiring you here: Zoom Meeting ID: 286 632 4328, Passcode: Sevilla
The Secret of the Golden Flower
Transformation of inner darkness into pure light

The Secret of the Golden Flower: Transformation of inner darkness into pure light

The Secret of the Golden Flower
Inner Transformation BEYOND Duality & Time

The Secret of the Golden Flower: Inner transformation BEYOND duality & time

The Secret of the Golden Flower
Experiences after 3 months of intensive SELF-practice

In my own experience, after 2-3 months of intensive SELF-practice of this method while lying down, these experiences can be lived exactly as it is written in this 1200 year old text (see the Audible extract below). "The Living Manner of the Circulation of the Light" is the real goal: When our daily practice has progressed this far, then the light circulates as if by itself in the background of our daily being, we increasingly feel a deep inner "Anchoring within our SELF" and this inwardly secure state becomes increasingly independent of our external life circumstances and the actions of other people:

Experiences after 3 months of intensive SELF-practice
The Secret of the Golden Flower
& C.G. Jung

The most famous Swiss expert on the human psyche, C.G. Jung, was so impressed by this 1200-year-old meditation method that he wrote down this essence in "The Secret of the Golden Flower", published in 1929: 👉Audible extract below.

Jung pursued the essence of this method for decades - right up to the self-chosen inscription on his grave: Appearing on the side borders of his tombstone is this passage: "The first man is of the earth and is earthly, the second man is of heaven and is heavenly." – 1st Corinthians 15:47. Appearing on the top and bottom borders of his tombstone is this passage: "Called or not called, the god will be there."
Note: These are the English translations. His tombstone actually has these passages in Latin: "Primus homo de terra terrenus, Secundus homo de caelo caelestis" & "Vocatus atque non vocatus deus aderit“ (Jung: A Biography by Gerhard Wehr, p. 457).


This is my own German first edition of this divine method from 1929:

taught me
“The Secret of the Golden Flower”

“She“ (photo below) is really 1200 years old and comes from the Tang dynasty in which "The Secret of the Golden Flower" originated. We met in 2015 in a very special antiques shop in Munich - "by chance?" at exactly the time of my two most severe strokes of fate... Before that, the antiques dealer told me, SHE had accompanied a German diplomat in China for a long time. Now we live together in Seville (Andalusia).

Once a month “WE“ present this divine method and answer any questions that may arise in the first few years with this method here: 👉 Link

Soon I will publish here a guide to SELF-learning this divine method. Thank you for your patience until then🪷💫
👉 Do you have a question about this divine method?
EVERY Friday I will answer your question via Zoom in English, German, Spanish or French: During this scheduled VISUAL CONTACT TIME via Zoom you can meet me visually at any time without an appointment: EVERY Friday from 13:30-14:00 CET. I am very much looking forward to meeting & inspiring you here: Zoom Meeting ID: 286 632 4328, Passcode: Sevilla
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