VISUAL CAREER STRATEGY COACHING - Focus: WILL you fundamentally change your life?

VISUAL CAREER STRATEGY COACHING - Focus: WILL you fundamentally change your life?
Where is the best strategic path to fulfilment in my job and in my precious life?
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"My VISUAL life experience BEYOND DUAL SEPARATION in the HERE & NOW is a decisive advantage in my coaching. With the inspiration of my VISUAL TALENT (👉Link) we will find your optimal career and life path to sustainable felt life satisfaction (More than 400 COMPLETED, of which over 300 in four international part-time university Master's programmes in Germany and Austria)."

‼️My provocative visual coaching style is a tough experience for SELF-Discovery and SELF-Realisation in the sense of shifting the inner leg to the SELF - only the free leg remains in the rudimentary piece of reality that our 5 senses perceive individually - according to M-theory, TRUE REALITY has at least 11 dimensions => If you are firmly attached to your suffering EGO, you should better refrain from my offer: 👉Link‼️

“There is a SPACE between an external action and your reaction - not an automatic reaction, as is the case with "almost" all people. In this space you have the POWER to react. In your reactions lies your DEVELOPMENT and your freedom and life satisfaction unfolds.”
my visual view based on Viktor Frankl

👉Here you find a questionnaire for your SELF-Assessment: Link
👉Here you can get to know me every month directly online from Seville💃Andalusia☀️: Link

To successfully achieve YOUR LIFE GOALS, designing a career and life strategy is essential - EVERY company has a strategy for achieving ITS OWN GOALS...
Why have I been teaching in university master's programmes for over 2 decades and have coached more than 400 "career and life strategies for the brand ME"? I tell my international coachees: "Every company has a strategy for ITS future value creation and for the optimal, value-creation-orientated selection and allocation of ITS human resources. In my experience, however, a maximum of 5 per cent of employees have a career & life strategy for THEMSELVES - so much for the starting odds in the professional game of chess...

Steve Jobs said very wisely in his famous Stanford speech (link here: 43M views👌) that you should follow your heart ♥️ and intuition ✨on your strategic path into the future, because the strategic logic of your life path only emerges when you look back from the future. Since Albert Einstein's theory of relativity (1905 & 1915) and Werner Heisenberg's uncertainty principle (1927), we have known that both the dual separation and time only supposedly exist, i.e. both exist in the perception of most people and at the same time neither exists: I myself perceive neither duality nor time - the same was true for Einstein. From my very special visual-connected point of view, it is possible to develop a strategy for you that is characterised by "true transcendental sustainability beyond duality and time". Do you believe in miracles? Then let my visual talent inspire you for your SELF!

This Visual Business & Life Coaching builds on my two decades of teaching experience. I currently hold 4 international teaching positions in two part-time Master's programmes for young managers at the German FAU University of Erlangen-Nuremberg on "Personal Selling - Career & Life Strategies for the Brand I" and in the Master for Design & Product Management at the Austrian FHS Salzburg University of Applied Sciences on "Advanced Marketing & Sales - Career & Life Strategies for the Brand I" and on "Neuro-Marketing & Neuro-Sales - Inspirations BEYOND the duality of thinking to enable FLOW."

Only those who know themselves and what they stand for can convey a clear message and lead people. If you are crystal clear inside about how you want to live your life, then you will find your true purpose and radiate this to those around you.

I would like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to my lifelong mentor Klaus Wernigk, a highly successful global strategy consultant for over 50 years: he made it possible for me to complete my Master's thesis at KIT in 1992 on the basis of my involvement in a five-month strategy project at Sulzer (Winterthur, Switzerland). He then coached me in developing my own career and life strategy and accompanied me as a mentor, coach and friend for almost 30 years through all the ups and downs of my life's journey. Thank you, dear Klaus, from the bottom of my heart!
Step 1
Increasing the potential of your individual

In the first step of our joint business coaching YOU will find completely new, inspiring answers to the following questions:

  • How do I discover my talent and my special abilities?
  • How do I keep the steering wheel of my life in my hands and follow my own path?
  • How do I expand my individual freedom, my area of responsibility and my decision-making authority?
  • How do I recover from the low points in my life?
  • How do I shape my role and my interaction with other people, colleagues and team members so that I feel motivation, satisfaction and fulfilment within myself and at the same time perform at a high level?
  • How do I orchestrate the facets of my personal positioning as a human being in private, towards co-workers, superiors and clients?
  • How do I balance what others expect of me with the life I personally want to live?
  • How can I make a meaningful contribution to my society?

1) CAPABILITIES, 2) Self-EMPOWERMENT, 3) Interactive DRIVE with others, 4) Orchestrating all facets of your unique personality - MIX - to the outside world, 5) Life BALANCE

Step 2
Designing your long-term fulfilling

Building on your value positioning for your employer (if you are employed) or your value positioning for your clients (if you are self-employed), we develop your long-term career and life strategy using the following goal-oriented steps:

  1. Drafting 3-5 strategic alternatives
  2. Setting up different future scenarios (morphological box) & estimating the probabilities of occurrence
  3. Rational & emotional evaluation of your strategic alternatives against the background of the future scenarios (managerial decision-making)
  4. Decision for your strategic success path and its consistent implementation (roadmap for achieving your strategic milestones)
  5. Regular adjustment of your career and life strategy based on the newly gained insights, ideally at annual intervals.
Development steps:
Perspective > Choice > Strategy > Commitment > Action
Our Coaching Process
  • Before our coaching, you will receive detailed preparatory tasks that will help you to get to know yourself better and to clearly identify your personal strengths, gifts and talents.
  • In the online coaching, we go through the individual topics step by step and work out a strategy for your future together. To inspire you creatively, I can easily put on appropriate hats (perspectives) depending on our coaching situation: Business Coach (business perspective), Personal Coach (private perspective), Executive Coach (your manager's perspective), Mentor (personal development), Management Trainer (skills) and Consultant (expertise).
  • How much time do I need to invest in developing my career and life strategy? After one day with me, you already know how to strategically balance your given life yourself. I also teach you EVERYTHING you need to further develop your strategy. In my annual Master's programme at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg with 25 students, I teach 30 hours and each student invests an additional 120 hours of personal work to optimise their own career & life strategy. Such a process over 6 weeks is the optimum.
“There is nothing outside of yourself that can ever enable you to get better, stronger, richer, quicker, or smarter. Everything is within. Everything exists. Seek nothing outside of yourself.”
― Miyamoto Musashi, The Book of Five Rings
Your Benefit
  • The more clearly you see where your strengths and weaknesses lie, the better you can match them to the opportunities and threats in your environment.
  • I promise you that I will crucify your mind so that you discover your uniqueness within yourself and bring it into your professional and private environment.
  • Through your inner clarity about your added value, you enable other people to trust you and your talents and to give you more responsibility.
  • You recognize what you should CHANGE in your life, how you strategically plan this path and then implement it with confidence and courage.
  • You learn to say YES at the right moment and also dare to say NO more often if it doesn't fit with your life and career strategy.
  • You are better seen, valued and respected in all your unique facets as a human being.
The more clearly you see where your strengths and weaknesses lie, the better you can match them to the opportunities and threats in your environment.
My Coaching Clients

This VISUAL Career & Life Coaching is for employees at all hierarchical levels. You have come to the right place if you want to explore your individual strengths and weaknesses and strategically combine them with your professional and private opportunities and challenges. You gain clarity about which next professional steps optimally fit your unique personality. Together we can design an inspiring strategy for your fulfilling life path, if you are ready to decide, act and then go your way!

"Love it, change it, or leave it - but don't complain!"
...very wise words from my personal conversation with Dr Reinhard K. Sprenger in Munich, 2014
Monthly open Zoom online meeting in English or German🤷‍♀️✨💫

🇺🇸🇦🇹 You can get to know me EVERY MONTH directly from Seville in Andalusia free of charge and without obligation ONLINE in ENGLISH - I look forward to meeting you here: Link

🇩🇪🇨🇭🇦🇹 Sie können mich JEDEN MONAT direkt aus Sevilla in Andalusien kostenlos und unverbindlich ONLINE auf DEUTSCH kennenlernen - ich freue mich auf Sie hier: Link

"From a very small insight into my situation, Hans drew an amazingly accurate picture of what makes me tick at the moment. With his personal evaluation afterwards, he not only gave me the continuation of the picture, but also a powerful tool that I had not heard of before. Very impressive support in the process of my own development."
Gisela, February 2023
Joy of life in the here & now BEYOND stress, problems & worries - the topic of my monthly online session at the Swiss Open Mind Academy, 2022-2024
"Hans and I never met in a worldly way. Hans and I never met in knew nothing about me at all. I sent him my question as a voice message. Two messages came back from him, in figurative language and drawn from an immeasurable vastness - simply wonderful. I sent a very general question and did not expect any "life help". His words on the voice message opened floodgates and gateways in me, so that later in everyday life I could suddenly receive great messages within myself. I thank Hans from the bottom of my heart!"
Aline, January 2023
‼️FaceTime Contact‼️

In order to process information reliably, my visual talent has been DEPENDENT on the combination of visual and auditory INPUT in the HERE & NOW = FACETIME, WhatsApp video call or Zoom since my childhood. I only use emails and WhatsApp as OUTPUT channels.

☀️This direct way of daily communication is common here in Andalusia💃that's why I live here❣️

You can reach me almost DAILY incl. Saturday & Sunday without an appointment during my VISUAL & AUDITIVE AVAILABILITY TIME via FaceTime or WhatsApp video call: 13.30-14.00 CET📲+34620 611 130. If required, I will send you a Zoom link after your call.

I also offer a VISUAL CONTACT TIME VIA ZOOM almost every Friday from 13:30-14:00 CET: You can meet me visually at any time during this dispositive Zoom time without an appointment here: Zoom Meeting ID: 2866324328, Passcode: Sevilla

BOOKING: My VISUAL Online Coaching Sessions via Zoom in English🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇺🇸, German🇩🇪🇨🇭🇦🇹, Spanish🇪🇸 and French🇫🇷 can be booked at any time between 5.00 a.m. CET (Asia) and 10.00 p.m. CET (USA) - globally client-centred and 100% value-added oriented without any risk: my fee as your VISUAL Coach depends ONLY on your complete client satisfaction (100%-0%).
👉 Link Time Difference Calculator

FaceTime: 📲+34620611130
LinkedIn: Hansjörg Stephan

Michael Bachmann, Partner Executive Search & Leadership Advisory, Witena AG, CH-Zürich 2019
  • Thank you again for these three exciting coaching days. As a rule, people rarely take a close look at themselves and their character traits. It's a really interesting approach to say that every company has a strategy, but most people don't. I learnt a lot about myself through your input and was able to take a lot with me for my personal strategy. Nicolai
  • I've always been convinced that you always have to look and move forward, that you always have to work on yourself and that you can always improve, but without this coaching I would never have dealt with it in such a structured, multi-faceted and all-inclusive way. I honestly didn't expect that working out the strategy would really make me think like this, but it did. Above all, I am now more motivated than ever to find my perfect career path and never stop improving. Hannah
  • I had a lot of fun intensively dealing with my strengths and weaknesses and getting to know myself anew. Many 360-degree feedback conversations, the SWOT analyses, personality tests and co. really helped me a lot to uncover my innermost core, so that I now know better how I want to sell myself: as an ambitious, self-determined woman who starts every day with a smile and always pursues what she does with maximum passion and enthusiasm. Kaya
  • The content was not only fantastic, but also taught me how to self-reflect and learn about and improve my own weaknesses. Thank you for opening my eyes to new opportunities and strengths. I will be forever grateful for your guidance and kindness. Sarah
  • Thank you very much for the incredibly interesting and insightful hours over the last two weekends. As I said, such a coaching was exactly what I needed in my current situation. I am curious how I can turn my weaknesses and risks into strengths and opportunities and what the future will bring. I think it will be exciting :-) Thank you very much. Linus
  • Thinking about myself and my capabilities, my weaknesses, my profession and its position in the professional field empowered me. I usually do not plan ahead. This coaching showed me what I can achieve if I plan things. I usually do not think of myself. Hans guided me to think more about my abilities and my life. Overall, this coaching cleared my dreams into steps that I will take to make them real. Kaya
  • I really enjoyed the coaching and it also helped me personally incredibly. Not only in my self-awareness and reflection, but also especially with regard to my professional goals. So thank you very much for the seminar and for sharing your experiences with us! Max
  • I enjoyed being a participant in your coaching seminar and got a lot out of it! I think I have "created" something for myself that I will continue to work on over the next few years. Until now, I have always shied away from dealing with my future. Thank you for your input and the great seminar! Stefanie
  • Through the individual steps, I was able to clearly recognise my strengths and weaknesses and the opportunities and risks in my environment. This enabled me to find out what I am made of and how I can utilise this in my professional and private life. The result was a holistic strategy in which I can develop my unique self through changes in my life. Miraç
  • What a really valuable coaching gift I received today. 😁 THANK YOU!!!🙏Regina
  • I feel I will take a lot into the future with me, I even have read the book Quiet, relating to introverts experience of the world and loved it. Thanks for your different approach to Coaching, it was a great experience. Marc
  • It was the first time I worked on my personal strategy, so thank you very much for everything. Un saludo. María del Camen
  • I would like to thank you for the very interesting coaching in which I learned a lot about myself. I am convinced that my personal strategy for entering professional life will help me a lot in the coming year. Thank you! Belinda
  • Thank you for your Coaching, it was very valuable. Tarek
  • I can say that this coaching has helped me a lot to gain an overview of my own strengths and weaknesses and possible opportunities and risks in my future working environment. I now know where I stand, how I can utilise my strengths sensibly and how I can also reduce my weaknesses and risks. I now have a "Strategy for the brand I". Sophia
  • I found your coaching very interesting and helpful, especially for my personal growth. I am the perfect stereotype of an engineering and you allowed me to see things from another perspective. Beatrice
  • I am grateful for two great weekends with you! Jörg
  • I would like to take this opportunity to thank you again for what you shared with us during the seminar! It was noticeable how much you are passionate about giving your coachees something for the future that will help them in the long term - and I found your coaching very enriching. Thank you very much! :) Vera
  • A thousand thanks. I found our exchange extremely inspiring. See you soon and sunny greetings to Seville, Michael
  • Thank you very much for the enriching input and the patient answering of all questions in the past weeks. I was able to take away a lot for my professional and private situation and I am looking forward to putting this into practice from now on. Jonas
  • I really enjoyed it and it made me think in a way that I wouldn't normally. I have really enjoyed working with you. Hope to see you in the future. Stephan
  • Gracias por la fantástica clase, un saludo y buenas noches. Pablo
  • Thanks for the classes I really enjoyed them. Michael
  • Thank you very much for your lessons and passion of teaching. Farcas
  • I enjoyed the seminar very much, it really helped me personally and for my further professional direction. Leonie
  • Thank you for the exciting coaching, I wish you a successful and healthy time. Daniel
  • I have been working intensively on the topic this week and am increasingly happy that I had the opportunity to attend your seminar. It was the first time I dealt with myself within a seminar and I was able to take away some points and aspects for my personal development. I wanted to thank you for taking the time and motivating us to think about ourselves despite the weekends. Julia
  • I would like to thank you again for your seminar. It gave me an important (thought) impulse to learn more about myself, my thoughts and my goals and to take the time to deal with important things that concern me personally. Elena
  • After this coaching I am much more oriented and know how to improve my qualities and be the best version of myself. I know that many people struggle with the same weaknesses, so now I can help them. Anthelia
  • Hello Coach, thanks for the nice sessions! Daniela
  • A course that brings something for life... Unfortunately, there are far too few. Thank you for this. :) Carolin
  • I really enjoyed your course, all the best! Eva
  • I thank you for the course, I have learned a lot from you. And I am wishing you all the best! Burak
  • I would like to thank again for the fruitful sessions. Ece
  • Thank you again for the coaching. It was really interesting to deal with myself in this (new to me) way and to see how the individual coaching parts came together in the end. I am excited to see how I will implement my development based on this structured foundation! Christoph
  • The time spent researching aspects about myself was an interesting dive into my character, which I do not usually execute. It is a good practise to put these down and I should be using this regularly in the future to evaluate myself and find out what I should be focusing on, to become a better version of myself. Tomáš
  • I wanted to thank you for the great seminar. I have always been afraid to deal with the topic of my career choice. I did have a rough plan of which subject areas interested me and unconsciously perhaps also which strengths and weaknesses I bring with me. Nevertheless, I have never dealt with my future as intensively as I did after this seminar and I can say that I now know myself better than before and look forward to the future with a clear goal. Katharina
  • I would like to thank you for that eye-opening seminar. I discovered some of the qualities that I did not know before. It really helped me to better analyze myself. I used to run away from most of my weaknesses however seeing them written gave me the motivation to change them and also make peace with them. Maria
  • Thank you very much for the seminar. It was incredibly instructive and enlightening for me. Laura
  • Thank you again for the great coaching session. Tim
  • I will definitely continue to work on my career strategy and get the best out of myself :) In any case, the beginning has been made. Thea
  • I am now more aware of my strengths and also my weaknesses that I still need to improve. Luisa
  • I am increasingly happy that I had the opportunity to attend your seminar. It was the first time I dealt with myself within a seminar and I was able to take away some points and aspects for my personal development. Julia
  • Thank you again for the exciting seminar and the opportunity to deal intensively with your own strengths and weaknesses. Amelie
  • Thank you very much for an exciting and varied course with many suggestions and food for thought. Carolin
  • Thank you very much for the cool course, it was really useful and super supportive! Sarah
  • Thank you very much for this experience! Celine
  • Thank you very much for the exciting seminar/coaching. Vanessa
  • Thank you very much for the great seminar and I wish you all the best! Alexandra
  • Thank you very much for your inspiration in the seminar! Medina
  • Have a nice evening and thank you very much for the interesting seminar. Josephine
  • Thank you again for this seminar! It was very exciting and made me personally more aware of certain topics! Silja
  • I really enjoyed this very intensive seminar and it made me want to deal with myself more in the future. Thank you very much for this. Helena